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New to faith?
If you want to explore the meaning of life and discover more about the Christian faith Alpha, Being With and Christianity Explored are 3 great courses that could be just right for you. Check out the information below and find out where in Tower Hamlets you can join in.
Alpha is a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. Everyone’s welcome. No matter your background or beliefs, you’re invited.
Discover more at
Currently running at
All Hallows Bow, Christ Church Spitalfields, St Mary’s Bow, St Paul’s Shadwell and St Peter’s Bethnal Green
Being With
The Being With Course is an invitation to invest in becoming the type of person who knows how to be with yourself, others, the world around us and through this to be with God. Discover faith in the context of discovering friendship.
Discover more at
Currently running at
St Paul’s Old Ford
Christianity Explored
Christianity Explored is a relaxed and informal way of sharing the best news you can ever hear, and gives people space and time to think about the big questions of life.
Discover more at
Currently running at
St Anne’s Limehouse

Also running: The Marriage Course, The Pre-Marriage Course, Parenting For Faith, and more…
For further details about family life courses and what else is on offer across the church of Tower Hamlets email us hello@towerhamlets.church