Food Pantry
A new emerging model… join in
Building on its previous success we are excited to be restarting our Food Pantry service for the communities and residents of Tower Hamlets.
Launching soon, we will be working closely with churches across the borough to deliver food parcels on a monthly basis.
If you have time to spare and would like to volunteer for food pantry, we are looking for:
Volunteers to help pack bags on the day
Volunteers to deliver food parcels
Ideally, volunteers will deliver food once a month on a recurring basis, for several months
Or, if you feel you could make a donation to support this work email hello@towerhamlets.church
How to volunteer
Fellow food banks in the borough
Bow Food Bank bowfoodbank.org
St Dunstan Stepney stdunstanstepney.com
Food for Aldgate
Toynbee Hall (Limited access/by referral only)
Please contact paul.wilson@eastendhomes.net
Neighbours in Poplar
St Matthias Old Church (Limited Access/by referral only)
This is only available for residents in the E14 postcode.
Please contact enquiries@neighboursinpoplar.com
Food poverty in Tower Hamlets
- More than 3/4 of poor children live in families where at least one person works.
- 29,000 employees in Tower Hamlets earned less than the London Living Wage.
- 63% of families receiving tax credits are working.
- Nearly half (47%) of Housing Benefit claimants were working.
- Tower Hamlets is one of the poorest boroughs in London. The borough has one of the highest levels of child poverty in the UK, standing at 50% living in households below the poverty line.
- 44% of older people in Tower Hamlets live in low income households, which is the highest proportion in the UK. Overall 14.2% of Tower Hamlets households are in fuel poverty.
* Food Insecurity in Tower Hamlets Scrutiny Review
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