and Migrants
A place of support for refugees and migrants
Our churches across Tower Hamlets believe that no one should be marginalised or mistreated because of their immigration status. Our prayer is that everyone can live safely, free from poverty, discrimination, and exclusion, and be treated with compassion and respect.
Resources available for churches
Compassionate Communities
A range of information for churches on assisting refugees and people in the asylum system produced by the Diocese of London
Refugees & Asylum Seekers | Compassionate Communities
Welcome Churches
A network providing resources, information and training for churches welcoming refugees and those in the asylum system
Church of Sanctuary
Support and information for churches looking to become a “church of sanctuary”
Right to Remain Toolkit
An extensive toolkit to assist those in the UK asylum and immigration system and those assisting them. Includes resources in community languages
Tower Hamlets based charity providing immigration advice & assistance
Praxis, for Migrants and Refugees
Asylum Support Appeals Project
Factsheets and information on the asylum support system. Telephone advice line for those assisting people with asylum support. Also represent people at asylum support appeals tribunals
Asylum Support Appeals Project - ASAP (asaproject.org)
Red Cross
Practical and emotional support for refugees and those seeking asylum
Get help as a refugee or asylum seeker | British Red Cross
Jesuit Refugee Service
Tower Hamlets based charity providing support & assistance for those seeking asylum and those refused asylum
JRS UK | Jesuit Refugee Service UK
Rainbow Migration
Information & resources for LGBTQI+ migrants