Thy Kingdom Come Here: Tower Hamlets
What is it?
Thy Kingdom Come Here is an ecumenical initiative encouraging Christians to partner together so the whole church covers the whole city in prayer - street by street.
It is an invitation for Christians to come together and pray in and for their street, neighbourhood or estate and the people there.
It is a call to walk our streets, pray for God’s presence and love to be known there and to bless those living there.
When is it?
It happened this year as a pilot in Tower Hamlets from April to July. We prayed for 70% of our streets!
Next year we will join in to call the church across London to prayer walk every street in every borough.
Do you think we could do that?
It will all kick off again at Pentecost 2025.
Who is it for?
It’s for everyone. It’s for you!
Young, old, any tradition, any ability. We will even share some ways to get involved even if you can’t leave your house or where walking is not possible.
We think this is for the whole church, everyone doing their small bit until it adds up to one big prayer for our borough - Your Kingdom Come Lord Jesus!
How to get involved:
Visit thykingdomcomehere.london to sign up for the web-app, and find out how to prayer walk for you & your church.
Stay tuned here for Tower Hamlets events and group prayer walks going on Click here to join our all year round prayer walking Whats App group.
Thy Kingdom Come Here 2024: